Use Your Website’s FAQ Page for Experiencing Success of Your SEO Strategy

Many people believe that there is a secret trick for SEO but the fact is there is secret strategy; all you need is a deep understanding of what people want when they search and why they need it. SEO is a constantly moving target and that is what makes it hard to achieve. The rules are not dictated by SEO providers, the rules are made by search engines.

Even if you have hired the best SEO Company in India, it may not be able to deliver the desired results. Well, experts have claimed that even your website’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page has the ability to make your web page counted amongst the top ranks in Google search results. If you wish to adopt this strategy, then read the following tips and ask your SEO company in India to use branded and non-branded keywords while revising your FAQ page:

1. Perform a detailed audit 

You should sit with your content team or SEO company and determine the answers to the following questions for performing a detailed audit of your FAQs page:

• Does the page have too many questions?
• Does the question follow a specific order?
• Are the questions being answered too briefly?
• Is the content updated/recent or is outdated?
• Does the content include backlinks to related pages?
• Is the call for action included while answering the customer’s questions?
• Will customers be able to find the FAQs section easily and many others?

Once you are ready with the audit report, it is the time to proceed with the other crucial steps.

2. Try to get rid of the common FAQ web page mistakes

Generally, people refer this page as a waste of time but have never analyzed the important of its existence. These pages can help in answering important / popular questions and can prepare the customers about the pros/cons, benefits and features of the product /service along with offering details about how to order, what to do to take up the service, how to get support and many other topics. Ask your SEO company in India to include all the relevant keywords in the FAQ section to make it counted amongst the most-visited pages on your websites.

3. Pair it with your SEO strategy 

You may get surprised to know that your FAQ page ranks for keyword phrases and helps your website to generate natural search engine results. You can also use your website’s analytics report to determine the top organic landing and conversation pages to build your FAQ around them.

You can follow these techniques to make your FAQ page count as a crucial space in your website design. Even if you have hired the best SEO company in India, give them your inputs and share your ideas to get an SEO strategy that can help you and your business in achieving the desired results.


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